Home insurance can assist you in paying for repairs if your home is damaged, or if your belongings are broken or stolen. If your home is damaged or your possessions are broken or stolen, whether you rent or own it - whether it's leasehold or freehold - home insurance can help you cover the costs. In Worcester, Omniverse Insurance Services is a well-known independent insurance broker.
There are two types of home insurance: buildings insurance and contents insurance. You can buy each one separately or as part of a bundle. We believe that tailoring each quote to your specific needs allows us to offer the most competitive insurance rates at Omniverse Insurance Agency. Everything from listed building insurance to drink driving insurance is something we can help you with.
Our insurance professionals work in a wide range of industries, including real estate and construction, as well as charities and hospitality. Our expansion has been aided by our investment in sector-specific expertise. We offer a variety of insurance products for individuals and businesses at affordable rates; contact us today to learn more.
Phone: +15088353738
Address: 237 Park Avenue, Worcester MA 01609
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