Life insurance is all about ensuring that your dependents have the funds they need if you die. You may be concerned about contracting a serious illness, such as cancer, so buying life insurance and critical illness coverage ensures that you will receive your lump sum upon diagnosis of any condition. There are several factors to consider when purchasing it, including the type of policy you want, when you need it, and how to purchase it. Omniverse Financial Insurance Agency can assist you and your family by paying a benefit to your loved ones in the event of your death or to you in the event of terminal illness. Life insurance can help you make life easier for those you leave behind. Call us right now to speak with one of our advisers, who can assist you in customizing your policy and answering any questions you may have. Before recommending the products that are best suited to you, we take the time to understand your specific needs. Our Omniverse Financial Insurance and investment so...